Thursday, May 31, 2012

Daily School Schedule- First Grade- Summer 2012

Lately a lot of people have been asking me what our daily schedule is like. It might be because they want to know why I'm on Facebook at 1:08pm but I'm going to give people the benefit of the doubt. I'm sure they're really just wondering how we break up our day and get all of our curricula topics to align.


Here it is. This is also my first time trying to embed an Excel spreadsheet onto this blog. I'm such a newbie.

I guess I should point out the individual reading instruction and personal reading time are not on here because we don't do those at regular times.  I teach each child individually a new reading concept for 15-30 minutes each day, and each of them has to read to me for 30 minutes a day.  This usually happens during lunch or in the afternoon.  And, of course, we all read together at least 30 minutes a night before bed time.

Edit: I guess people want to know which curricula we are using.  Although I have that in another post, I'll add it briefly here:
Phonics- Explode the Code
Spelling- All About Spelling
Writing- Writing With Ease
Grammar- First Language Lessons
Math- Singapore Math
History- Story of the World and Tapestry of Grace
Science- Easy Classical Science
Reading- Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading

Most of these are classically based, and created by the authors of The Well-Trained Mind.

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